Drug test abuse is a rapid examination of drug content through a urine sample using a qualitative competetitive immunochromatography method. The prometheus drug test is a multi-panel test tool, which allows a quick check of severall parameters at once with accurate and fast results, less than 5 minutes as well as an easy-to-read indicator line display. In a state wrapped in this test drug can last up to 24 months at room temperature (25’C).
Tes Narkoba Berganda
Amfetamin (AMP) : 1.000ng/ml
Ganja (THC) : 50ng/ml
Metemfetanime (METH) : 1.000ng/ml
Prosedur Pengetesan
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0813 1077 6710
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Senin – Jum’at ( 08.00 – 16.00)
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