Drug test of abuse is a rapid examination of drug content through a urine sample. Using a qualitative competitive immunochromatography method. The prometheus drug test is a multi-panel test tool, which allows a quick check of several parameters at once with accurate and fast results, less than 5 minute as well as an easy-to-read indicator line display. In a state wrapped in this test drug can last up to 24 months at room temperature (25’C).
Multiple Drug Test
Amphetamine ( AMP )
Morphine (MOP)
Methamphetanime (METH)
Test procedure
1. Allow the test cassette to reach room temperature (20’C-30’C) before testing , do not open the package until ready to perform the test
2. Dip each strip into the sample with the arrowheads pointing towards the sample. Do not immerse past the MAX line
3. Remove the cassette after 10 second and place the cassette on a flat , clean, dry, non-absorbent surface. Read tast result at 5 minutes
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